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Print to PDF


Did you know that documents can be ‘printed’ to PDF?
You may ‘print’ papers as digital PDFs instead of making physical paper copies.

These keep all of the formatting from your original files and are simple to transfer. You may even print them on paper later if necessary . PDF was created by Adobe and has since become a widely used standard for long-term document preservation. This assures that any documents you produce today will remain accessible decades from now, even if you don’t have access to the computer, software, fonts, or images you used to generate them.

Pdf-creation software was once exclusively available as a premium product for the publishing business, but now it’s included in the latest versions of Windows and can be used in any program that has a print option. Begin by generating or opening the document to be converted, then selecting Print. Select ‘Microsoft Print to PDF’ in the Printer area of the Windows print window when it displays

If you’re not seeing this option, it’s possible that it’s turned off on your computer. Select the ‘Turn Windows features on or off’ option that shows in the results after pressing the Windows key and typing “windows features”. Check the box next to ‘Microsoft Print to PDF’ at the bottom of the page (see screenshot above). This will then create a PDF file of your work that  you can backup or share.

A bonus to saving things as a PDF means that the formatting is preserved when you share it with someone else, and of course they can still be printed out as normal by either party if needed.



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